Improved Customer Service, New Branding and a Bold Vision of a Smart Future

A lot of change is happening at Uniserve. Outwardly, we’ve changed our brand, and even put up new signage. But it’s what’s happening behind the brand that is really exciting.

We have a new CEO, and a new vision of what a Canadian telecom and media company can be. And what it should be.

So we’ve changed. From top to bottom. We started by truly improving our customer service. By creating a corporate culture that understands and respects the importance of our client base. We’re now located in Vancouver, Calgary, and Waterloo, and more responsive than ever.

We’ve adopted a bold new vision of the future. Of what technology should be delivering to homes and offices nationwide. We’re developing a robust digital infrastructure to support the Internet of Things and to deliver smart products to our consumers.

We’re the new Uniserve. Big enough to count, small enough to care.