What is an MSP?
Though Uniserve has been in business for over 30 years and even though there have beenManaged Service Providers (MSPs) since the beginning of corporate computers, we are still asked regularly what an MSP is and what an MSP does. When you boil it down, an MSP is an I.T. services company that provides both full-service […]

What You Should Know if Your Business Is Targeted by Ransomware
It may not be news to you that ransomware is on the rise, but the numbers may leave you shocked. In 2020 alone, there were close to 300 million ransomware attacks worldwide.The cost of ransom payments demanded by hackers are also increasing in tandem with the increase in attacks. According to a recent projection, the […]

Cybersecurity: What Every Business Owner Should Know
While organizations and workers have certainly benefitted from the advancement of technology, it has also introduced an unprecedented number of business risks. Cyber threats can arise from across the world, to next door, to someone within your own business. Ransomware attacks, for example, hit businesses every 11 seconds in 2021.1 Therefore, if you want your […]

Why Adopt a Comprehensive Backup and BCDR Strategy?
Being a business owner is challenging. You have to deal with multiple problems at once and effectively solve each of those. You also need to have the foresight to arm your business with the right tools and solutions to deal with any issues that might arise. One such issue that you must always focus on […]

Data Loss Disasters Come in Many Forms
If we’ve learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that we don’t have it all figured out. Not only are we vulnerable as a species, but so are the systems, processes and devices we’ve built. Natural and human-made disasters as well as other contingencies can still cause significant damage and bring businesses to a grinding […]

3 Things Employees Can Do To Help Protect Against Cyber Threats
Cybersecurity in the workplace is a team effort. Ensuring that the business remains safe from cyber threats is the responsibility of all employees in a company who have access to a company computer or company electronic device. Practice Security Mindfulness If something seems suspicious, treat it suspiciously. Employees, who work with the business operational systems […]

What is Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computers, networks, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, and data from malicious digital attacks. The aim of these digital attacks is usually the theft or destruction of data, the extortion of money, or to cause mischief and mayhem to a business or organization. According to a Varonis article on cybersecurity […]

The Rise of Ransomware
The first known instance of ransomware (malware extortion attack) was the “AIDS Trojan”, also known as “PC Cyborg”, written by Joseph Popp in 1989. Files were hidden on the hard drive and the names were encrypted with users being asked to pay $189 USD to get their files back. Since then thousands upon thousands of […]
Workspace-as-a-Service – Work from Anywhere on Any Device
What is Workspace as a Service? As companies evolve to a hybrid work environment that includes in-office, work-from-home, and on the road staff, the need for a secure unified work environment is more important than ever. Providing staff the ability to work from anywhere on any device with the same experience as they would have […]

Uniserve Communications Acquires RootCellar Technologies
Vancouver, BC: July 16, 2018 – Uniserve Communications Corporation (“Uniserve” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that, further to its news release on June 5, 2018, it has closed the acquisition (the “Acquisition”) of certain assets of RootCellar Technologies Corporation (“RootCellar”). Uniserve’s CEO Nicholas Jeffery stated: “With the acquisition of RootCellar, Uniserve will continue […]